Guava rocambole recipe

Can you resist a delicious guava rocambole? At Specialfood we can not, so we share the recipe with you! In addition to having a very appetizing presentation, we guarantee that this sweet pie will succeed at any party or family reunion. Check out the pass by step of guava rocambole and try it!

Ingredients to make guava rocambole:

For mass:

 1 cup wheat flour (140 grams)

 1 cup sugar (160 grams)

 4 tablespoons water

 1 tablespoon soup powder

 4 egg units

For the filling and decoration:

 300 grams of guava

How to make guava rocambole:

To make this Rocambole recipe start by hitting the egg whites in snow until firm.

Then, and without stopping, join the gems, sugar, water, flour and yeast, by this order and at the time.

Tip: Wait for the previous ingredient to be completely incorporated into the dough before adding the next.

Use butter paper to end background in a rectangular way, and put the previous mixture there, smoothing well. Take the bake in the preheated oven at 180 ° C for 25 minutes, or even pass the test of the toothpick.

Meanwhile, melt the guava over medium-low heat until creamy. If necessary, add some water.

When the dough is rooted, remove from the oven and still unplug warm on a sheet of butter paper. Wrap as a rocambole and let it stay like it for 1 or 2 hours, so that the dough does not break.

After the time indicated, unwind the dough and spread the guava on it. Run again and, at the time of serving, decorate with guava wires. Enjoy this delicious guava rocambole, and tell us what you found!

If you liked guava rocambole recipe, we suggest you enter our category of sweet rocambole recipes. You can also visit a list with the best Brazilian recipes. You may be interested to read about the pork carapulcra recipe/ roasted milk recipe/ recipe for roasted milk with condensed recipe/ peruvian bread pudding recipe/ recipe for roasted milk in bain marie.


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